The tenth biennial meeting of Experimental Pragmatics

Experimental Pragmatics, which uses experimental methods to investigate  semantic and pragmatic theories, as well as communication more generally, emerged as a discipline in the late 1990's. It became clear almost immediately that workshops and meetings were important sources for exchanging ideas and sharing enthusiasm for this growing area. In 2005, a proper conference was held in Cambridge (UK) that brought together this growing community of researchers from philosophy, experimental psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, anthropology,  and other cognitive sciences.  Two years later, another was organized (this time in Berlin) and thus a biennial tradition was born. Since then, XPrag has taken place in Lyon, Barcelona, Utrecht, Chicago, Köln, Edinburgh, and Pavia.1  This, the Tenth Edition, will be taking place in Paris, which was a home to the development of Experimental Pragmatics from the start.

XPrag X will be organized by members of the GRISP, who are in turn members of the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (Université Paris Cité – CNRS)  and, by extension, of the Laboratoire d’Excellence « Empirical Foundations of Linguistics ». 


The dates: 20-22 September 2023

The site and address: Université Paris Cité

Amphitheatre Buffon

15 Rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris



Invited Speakers

 Our four invited speakers are major contributors to Experimental Pragmatics and each represents one of its prominent or emerging areas.  Briefly, Valentina Bambini has been central to the emergence of neuropragmatics, Thomas Holtgraves has been forging links between social psychology, language and communication, Diana Mazzarella investigates epistemic vigilance and development and Bob van Tiel is a leading authority on inferential processing and atypical pragmatic behavior.



Program information

The detailed program can be found here, accessible through our lab website or the conference site's menu.



Registration is now open.  The platform requires a two-step process. The first is for you to fill out your registration form which will tell you how much it will cost; once we receive the registration, we will send you a link to pay.  You will be considered fully registered when we receive payment.

  • You will note that there is separate line for paying for the social dinner, which will take place on the 21st (the second night).
  • There is limited space for the dinner.  Reservations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

So, please go to the platform and register.  The sooner the better! Please register no later than the end of June (this is important for our budget planning).

4th of July 2023

As we indicated in previous announcements, we have been pleased (and overwhelmed) by the rate of registrations.  We now announce that we are at full capacity and can no longer accept registrations for the main amphitheatre at the Buffon site.  The same holds for dinner reservations.
In the meantime, we have contacted a friendly neighbor in order to set up an overflow room which would be a very short distance on foot from the main site.  This would allow attendees to take part in the conference online (in a convivial atmosphere together) while being within (very short) walking distance of the poster sessions and breaks.  For those who would like to join the overflow room in Paris, please write us to let us know if this is an acceptable option for you.  If we have enough people, we will follow through on this possibility with the host of that overflow room (the University of Chicago's France outpost).

Saarbrucken link

Have an Experimental Pragmatic Week

Not coincidentally, there is a workshop on Individual Differences in Pragmatics and Discourse (IndiPRAG) that will take place at Saarland University in Saarbrücken (Germany) on September 18-19, 2023

FYI: Saarbrücken is less than two hours away from Paris by train. 

Check out the workshop's website

XPrag Conferences Website


1 For more information about past conferences, visit !


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